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Journey to the East

It was our plan to do touring to Magelang – Yogyakarta by riding motorcycle. Actually, it will be Putri (my best pal) who will rides and I will just be on the back seat ^^

Somehow, plan was changed. And it’s me who force her to “take vacation to Borobudur”, even not riding a motorcycle. I know that riding must be very tiring for her.

My first motivation is to take chance before we are married. I mean, go on enjoy your being single girl! And the 2nd one is having material to write on my blog ^^

So here was our journey. We took a bus on Saturday, January 26 morning to Magelang! Besides taking Putri as my best pal will make the journey great, she also knows about Magelang since she spent her kindergarten time there.

We are on the shaking bus

06.07            We caught “Mulyo” bus (it’s a big bus heading to Yogyakarta). We planned to go to Purworejo bus station then change to smaller bus heading to Magelang. Gombong – Purworejo took about 1.5 hour. We paid each Rp 10.000,00 (which should be only cost Rp 8.000,00).

07.48            We reached Purworejo bus station and went to nearest cafeteria to have breakfast (poor Putri was taking her medicine for her tooth ache). I ordered rice, vegetable, tempe bacem, and hot tea which all cost Rp 7.000,00.

08.18  Using smaller bus heading to Magelang. We would stop at Bunderan Salaman (Salaman Circle). We paid each Rp 7.500,00. The bus stopped for a while in T-junction where you can find mini market on the corner. I went inside the mini market to buy candy, medicine “Tolak Angin”, and chocolate (use a chance to buy anything in mini market because prices on the tourism area will be damn high!).

Salaman Circle

09.24            Reaching the Salaman square. There is mosque nearby where we took peeing ^^

Two-wheeled buggy
09.38            We continue the journey and it will not so long to reach Borobudur. We took another smaller bus and (should have paid only) Rp 3.000,00.

After that, we were discharged on bus stop. There, we can take pedicab or two-wheeled buggy to reach Borobudur area. Pedicab cost Rp 10.000,00 while two-wheeled buggy cost Rp 15.000,00. On our arriving, we took two-wheeled buggy (which according to a lady we met on the bus, it should just cost Rp 3.000,00 each).

Borobudur Ticket

10.00            We reached Borobudur! The ticket cost Rp 30.000,00. And here we are …

Souvenir & Merchandise shops

Walking through the path to the main gate, we found souvenir seller on the left and right.
You have to bargain at least half from the prices offered.
However, what caught my eyes is the flowers in between that color purple and yellow.
They are beautiful ^^ like welcoming us to Borobudur.

Just in front of the ticketing locket is crowd. International information is on the right side
with mosque and toilet on the farthest right.
We also passed the scan door. Actually, candy and food are not allowed but water.
However, the female guard left us with our candy ^^

We are in sarong

Then heading to “Sarongisasi Center” where all tourist have to wear sarong that have been provided. Female must tie the sarong on the left while male tie it on the right.

Elephants & scenery

From the main gate to the Borobudur temple, you have to walk but its worth. Not only has the green fielded that spread along the way but also the beautiful scenery of Borobudur temple from afar. Also you can find elephants which are rented to ride on. Putri seemed curious to try but didn’t.

It’s pity if we do not have a picture of both of us. Fortunately, there was a middle-old couple who took a picture of us both (after we laugh for eavesdropping the man complaining the lady wearing wedges to climb Borobudur temple). They were nice though ^^


On the bottom stairs of Borobudur, you can read the “Pradaksina”. It is how Buddhist walk in the temple on their sacred ceremony. I intent to do so, at least walk around clockwise as we are still young ^^

Of course there are a lot of tourist: Koreans, Japanese, Indians, France, Americans, etc. That day was not holiday so it’s good that the temple was not over crowed. I was wondering having a chance to talk with the foreigners but what I got was just being asked to take a picture by two Koreans ^^

Putri with Koreans

Anyway, you can get the history of Borobudur temple from the tourist guide for free by following a couple of foreign tourist (who speak English of course). It’s not like we did it but accidentally we followed a Korean couple ^^

We climbed to the very top of stupa. And many do not want to lose chance to touch Buddha statue inside the stupa. However, it is forbidden to stand on, sit on, or climb the wall or stupa. There are securities who wandered around to make sure no tourist breaks that rules. However, we came rarely to Borobudur so no one will waste that opportunity ^^

Being tired, we climb down and planned to have lunch.

Samudraraksa Museum

We also visited Samudraraksa (located on the way out of the temple), a giant wooden ship-museum. You have to pay Rp 100.000,00 to be allowed to sneak out into that giant ship. That’s too much expensive!

In the pedicab
And just after Putri prayed, rain came down. Thank God that we had climbed up and safely landed. It must be pity to reach Borobudur in rain. We used umbrella to the outer gate and take pedicab to the bus stop.

14.00            Waiting for the smaller bus heading to Salaman Circle. You have to get on bus “Bhara Putra” to be discharged on the exact Salaman Circle. However, we took bus “Purba Putra” instead and had to walk to the square from the bus stop. Oh my!

15.05            Reach Salaman bus stop and walk to the Circle. We were heading to the center gift “Week” just by walking about 3 minutes from the Circle. I bought “getuk” and “pothel”.

15.40            We stopped the bus on the road heading to Purwokerto (our way back direction). We paid Rp 15.000,00 each.

16.39            Reach Purworejo bus station.

18.18            Reach my home safely.

I may come back to visit Borobudur someday and this note will not only be my record but also a tour guide. But honestly, I want to visit other places too. Use your single time ladies!

Last but not least, though causing pain on legs, it’s wonderful to visit Borobudur (again) ^^ 


  1. U luks gud in all pics... U must be cme again here after mary to...

  2. only the two of you? Why don't you invite me?
    Plan to have west journey, I'll be glad to join :D

  3. Helo och..
    U mean go west to Sukabumi? Its ur plan och,hehehe

  4. I always enjoy trip with my female friends too. And yea that's the fun part of blogging,share!share!share!:)

    I've been to Yogya like four times but never had a change to visit Borobudur,shame on me.x_x! I might plan the trip now that I know all the pricing cost so thanks Martina, for sharing it and for the Indo.

    I understand you just started blogging, welcome aboard blogger friend and hope you will keep updating it and I will stay tune!#Wink



  5. Dear Mignonesia,
    welcome ! N tnx for visiting.i ll keep bloging.
    Yeah,u must visit d wonder of Borobudur ^^
    Btw,whr u visit ind0nesia?


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