Ttakji (딱지) is a Korean traditional game using square-folded-paper aiming to flip your opponent’s ttakji. Men and women, children and adults can play it. I have watched Running Men enough to be curious about this game. It seems simple and easy but …
of course, you need to make your own ttakji by the following:
1: You can use any kind of paper. Prepare two pieces of square-paper in 21 cm.
do the following steps for both paper pieces. Fold it into half forming a
2: Fold the top corner down and the opposite’s corner up forming a
3: Again fold the top corner down and the opposite’s corner up forming a
4: Put one paper on the other. Fold the triangle-corner inside one by one in
anti-clockwise-movement so they hold each other.
5: Slip the last triangle-corner inside so they don’t lose. Mark one side.
Tadaa! You have a ttakji now ^^
Let’s challenge a friend and play the game! Choose the attacker by doing “rock-paper-scissors” (가위 바위 보 / kai bai boh). Place the defender’s ttakji on the floor. Attack it by swinging your ttakji straight into the middle of the defender’s ttakji with your strength (or any tactic you would like to perform). If the defender’s ttakji flips, you win. If it doesn’t, it’s the defender’s turn to attack.
two teams play ttakji, each person will perform until he is defeated so he is
placed with the other. The first team whose all members are defeated loses the
game. For better understanding, nothing is better than watching Running Man
(episode 119, or episode 144).
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