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October 4th at 4.30 pm I was in McDonalds, Senayan, South Jakarta waiting my travel to pick me up at 5.30 pm for going back to Purbalingga. I was also in Caraka Loka Hall of Foreign Ministry to take exam for government job.

Fiuh… tired and disappointed. My score is only 275 from a perfect score of 500 while most of them got 400 and below. Sure I made preparation but they must study much much more than I did. At the very first stage, I told myself that it was my holiday. It’s just to be prepared if I failed. As they always said, I did my part and just leave the rest to God. Only miracle and blessing that can make me pass this exam ^^ 

To cheer up myself, I want to share the place I been hang out while waiting from 7 a.m to 2 p.m.

So, I reached there on 6.30 a.m. and even the gate of the Ministry had not been opened yet though some candidates also had arrived. Fortunately, my friend Udin came not long afterwards. Standing in front of the gate, you saw the SCTV building and McDonalds. Even I did not notice the Senayan City in front of me and never think to spend time alone time there. So, Udin and I headed to McDonald where I ordered breakfast and surfed with my laptop. Secretly, still it’s my responsibility to translate email coming and it’s just the least I could pay for Mrs. Ita’s sacrifice ^^

At about 7 a.m. Udin left because it’s his time to register for the first session of exam. I had changed my clothes with shirt and skirt. And I was alone and working. I waited Mimi came on 8 a.m. We had a little chit chat. It’s good to see her and we shared about our lives for we had not seen for a long time. Then, we left on 9 a.m. because it’s Mimi’s exam session. I followed her but the staff did not allow me, whose exam was on the 3rd session, to come in. so, I wandered alone to the gas station on my left sight. There I found money machine so I could withdraw some. Later I went up stair to Indomaret’s convenience store. Luckily, it’s free place to sit and wait and browse. I felt so bold!

Udin was supposed to finish the exam so I texted him. In fact, he was already with Ali in 7eleven. So, I went to meet them to find out that they were discussing the extremely-dificult-exam they had. For me, it’s not difficult. The exam was just impossible ^^

We had lunch there but the meal couldn’t satisfy me. Later, Mimi and Aris came with news of that impossible exam. Everybody felt released since they done the exam except me. They cheered me up but I’m sorry for myself ^^

I finished my exam at 4 p.m. while my travel schedule is to pick me at 5.30 p.m. Ilmi, whom I met just inside the registration place, worried that I was alone in Jakarta waiting the afternoon. She offered to come with her but I couldn’t change the address with the travel. So I again boldly went to McDonald having my dinner.

Unexpectedly, a young man came in front of me. Did you know what he did? He looked for charity money. Oh, my God! So, it’s how they did it in a big city. Well dressed and charming smile asking for contribution! I just hoped that it’s not deceiver. 

Then, late in the afternoon, when I was growing worried because my travel didn’t show up, a lady sit in front of me to demonstrate of a sanitary pad. Wow she just did it on my table in a restaurant where it’s quite crowd. And I just thought this is how Jakarta did! But why me?! 

-      - E N D -


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