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Why does Indonesia become more famous on March 9th, 2016?

Image result for cute image of total solar eclipse

The worlds are watching Indonesia these weeks since we are the only land which can experience Total Solar Eclipse. Even many tourists and astronomers around the worlds had come weeks ahead to Indonesia to book strategic place to watch this one-life-time phenomenon. In the past, Total Solar Eclipse was occurred 33 years ago in 1983 and it will occur 30 years later in 2046.

"Total solar eclipses occur when the Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth and casts the darkest part of its shadow (the umbra) on Earth. The darkest point of the eclipse is almost as dark as night."

Below are 12 provinces in Indonesia which can experience Total Solar Eclipse:
Palembang, Bangka, Belitung, Palangkaraya, Balikpapan, Sampit, Luwuk, Ternate, Tidore, Palu, Poso, and Halmahera.

I stay in Purbalingga, Central Java. Unfortunately, I cannot watch the TSE. However, it still can be seen since morning when I was walking to office that the sun becomes very-berry-bright-white with the shape of crescent. It’s pretty. Looks like the sun smile at me and wish me ‘happy birthday, Gita’ ^^


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