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Cinta Tak Mungkin Berhenti

This is a mellow-song performed by one of Indonesian great group vocals artist “TANGGA”, means “stair”. They are Tahir Hadiwijoyo alias Tata, Mohammed Kamga (Kamga), Nerra Merlin (Nerra), dan Chevrina Anayang (Chevrina)Three have strong vocals characteristics and Tata inserts rap lyric that make each of their songs sound colorful and give identity.

Looking at the lyric, it is dreadful sad and meaningful; so deep and slice your heart. And I really love it on its chorus, both the lyric and melody. It’s about how you thankful of loving and being loved. This song is not to discourage. For me, it is to encourage instead ^^

Tak ada kisah tentang cinta yang bisa terhindar dari air mata
~ No story of love that can avoid tears
namun ku coba menerima, hatiku membuka siap untuk terluka
~But I try to accept it, I open my heart to be ready to be hurt

Cinta tak mungkin berhenti secepat saat aku jatuh hati
~ Love is impossible to stop as fast as I was falling in love
jatuhkan hatiku kepadamu sehingga hidupku pun berarti
~ I fell my heart on you so that my life is meaningful
Cinta tak mudah berganti, tak mudah berganti jadi benci
~ Love is not easy to change, change into hate
walau kini aku harus pergi tuk sembuhkan hati
~ Though now I have to go to heal my heart

Walau seharusnya bisa saja dulu aku menghidar dari pahitnya cinta
~ I should be able to avoid the bitterness of love
Namun ku pilih begini, biar ku terima sakit demi jalani cinta
~ But I chose this way, let me bear the pain to walk in love

Chorus: …

Hanya kamu yang bisa
~ It’s only you who are able
Bisa membuatku rela
~ Be able to make me willing
Rela menangis karena mu
~ Willing to cry for you


  1. I am completely with this song, Huhuhu T_T

  2. syukurlah aku ada temen nya .. *loh!?!?!?!
    hehehhe ^^


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