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Can you find the time to let your lover love you
He only wants to show you
The things he wants to learn too
The hardest parts you’ll get through
And in the end you’ll have your best friend

Love like this may come once
Baby it’s fate
Like a soul mate he’s your penguin
Baby it’s fate
Not luck

Can you find the time to let your lover hold you
He needs somebody to hold to
His love is strong and so true
His arrows aiming for you
And he’s the one that you were born to love

Let go
Of time for you
And I

Love like this is all I want
Baby were fate
Love like this may come once
Babe were fate
Like a soul mate your my penguin
Baby were fate
Baby it’s fate
Not luck

I was playing “PENGUIN” by Christina Perri. So thirsty of idea to write, I was curious why it titled ‘penguin’. It must be that penguin is a faithful animal that this song compared a soul mate to a penguin. Much less I recalled that penguin is indeed a unique animal so deeper I google about it.


Penguins are a group of aquatic, flightless birds living almost exclusively in Antartica. Most penguins form monogamous pairs for a breeding season that is why it was symbolized as the most faithful animal in the world. However, research proved that female penguin may have 1-3 couples and male penguin may have 1-2 couples in a breeding season. When female penguin chooses other couple to breed, it’s usually caused by the male couple of previous breeding season failed to protect their nest. The other possibility is if they did not meet in the same time when they supposed to gather in their nest, then both may get other couples.

Penguins are also romantic animals which have their own way to propose. When male penguin falls in love to a female penguin, he would search entire the beach to find a perfect pebble. After finding it, he would waddle and place the pebble in front of the female penguin. If she picks the pebble, it means she accepts the proposal. Wow! What a romantic way to choose a mate for life ^^ (Is it men who copy it from penguins of how they propose ladies?)

Generally a female penguin produced one egg and it’s the male’s duty to incubate the egg on his feet. He must keep the egg warm and safe in winter and never leaves the egg; otherwise the egg will very soon die. Male penguin will incubate without eating and only live off their fat reverse which may cause loosing half of his body weight. On the other hand, the female will go to the sea to eat and collect food in her paunch.

After 4 months, the egg starts to hatch and the female penguin comes back to meet her male and the baby. She can find them easily by recognizing the sound of its male among the crowd. It’s now her turn to take care of their chick and she will feed the baby with the food which she has been keeping in her paunch.

Although it’s a hard job for both female and male to lay egg in winter, they are smart to choose perfect time to breed. If they breed in summer, the chick will hatch in winter when the sea is indeed frozen and it will be very difficult for them to find food for the baby.

Many things can be learned from penguins: how they are faithful to their couples and only leave their couples with a condition; how they sacrifice themselves to raise the baby; and how they are so well-planned to breed. So, who would be my penguin? ^^


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