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Seindah Biasa (song by Siti Nurhaliza) ~ Beautiful as always

Jangan pernah takut ku tinggalkan
~ Do not ever be afraid that I leave you

Saat bintang tak mampu lagi berdindang
~ When stars cannot twinkle

Saat malam menjadi terlalu dingin
~ When nights become too cold

Hingga pagi tak seindah biasanya
~ Till the upcoming morning is not as beautiful as it was


Takkan mungkin kita bertahan
~ Impossible for standing still

Hidup dalam kesendirian
~ Live in loneliness

Panas terik hujan badai
~ Heat of sun, storm of rain

Kita lalui bersama
~ We through this together

Saat hilang arah tujuan
~ When we lost our way

Kau tahu ke mana berjalan
~ You know where to lead

Meski terang meski gelap
~ Even if it is bright or dark

Kita lalui bersama
~ We through this together

Ku tak bisa merubah yang telah terjadi
~ I cannot change what had happened

Tapi aku
kan menjanjikan yang terbaik
~ But I promise the best

Agar kita tak pernah menjadi-jadi
~ So we are not separated

Meski beza dermaga untuk kita berlabuh
~ Thought we are in different port to anchor

[repeat chorus]

Pernah kita jatuh
~ Once we had fallen

Mencuba berdiri
~ And try to stand up

Menahan sakit dan menangis
~ Hold the pain and cry

Tapi arti hidup lebih dari itu
~ But life is more than that

Dan kita mencuba melawan
~ And we try to fight

[repeat chorus]


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